A New Year, A Fresh Start!

First of all… Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and a bright, happy, prosecco filled New Year!
We certainly did!
Now that we have eaten all the mince pies and spent the week asking ourselves ‘what day is it?’ We are straight back into the swing of things and we are ready to take on the year! It’s going to be a great year for Cammino, and we wanted to share with you our ideas on how we look after minds and health to make sure we get the best out of ourselves. It’s not always easy, but for us it’s all about acknowledging when it’s time to take a moment to hit reset.
Here’s how we plan to take on the new year with a fresh start!
Don’t make a resolution
Finding a new year’s resolution that you can stick to can be pretty tricky. Often it’s hard to even make it past the first few days without wishing you’d picked an easier goal. Don’t let this ruin your mood or motivation, it happens to far too many of us. A good friend of ours, doesn’t even bother trying to find a resolution. This way she’s not setting herself up for failure on the 2nd day of the year. Instead, if there is something she really feels she needs to do or change, she will. No matter what time of the year it is. By the way, our friend’s name is Oprah!
Digital detox
The convenience of smartphones, TV’s and anything with a screen means we spend so much time staring, slouching and wasting time. However, going completely offline is just not a reality. But you can a do a few things to cut down screen time and give yourself back some time. When on your commute, look out the window (especially if you’re driving!).
Delete all social media apps off your phone and turn off the notification banner so your not constantly distracted by alerts. Go to lunch and leave your phone in your bag or, better yet, don’t even take it with you!
Walk the walk
Getting outside and into the fresh air can often be the best way to let your mind settle and get your focus back. Listen to a podcast, make it a social catch up or just take some glorious silent time to yourself. All you need is 20 minutes and it will make you feel like a new person. Check out some local walks or jump in the car and find some different scenery. Keep you Cammino’s handy so you can slip them on whenever you need some fresh air and take a walk in comfort and style.
Do whatever it is that makes you feel like you can take on the day and we hope this year is as good for you as it is for us. And as always, remember:
Life’s an adventure, walk it your way!